Festival Stories
East African Standard
Tuesday, April 3, 1973
I know a great deal has been written in the East African Standard about this year’s Kenya Schools’ Drama Festival – but there are a couple of story’s connected with the Festival which have not appeared and which, I feel, are worth recounting.
They both concern the Wajir Secondary School, which was the first team from the North Eastern Province to have entered the Festival in its 15 years’ existence.
Wajir were runners up and their success was undoubtedly due to their headmaster, Mr. Preet-Ryatt, who won the “Best Actor” award in the festival eight years ago.
Mr. Preet-Ryatt became involved in theatre in the 1950s when he was at the then Government Asian School, now better known as Kenyatta College.
His interest in the theatre was sustained when he went to London University and gained a teaching diploma in English.
The other little story is about the Wajir team.
Like most schools they had not got a lot of money to throw around and when they decided to enter the Festival this year it was a matter of scraping together as many shillings as they could to hire a lorry to bring them to Nairobi, on what, as first-timers they thought could not possibly be more than a one-night stand.
Their success in getting through to the finals came, therefore as a mixed blessing.
Delighted at the way their play was received, they then had to worry about where they were going to stay and what they were going to eat until the finals on Saturday.
But accommodation was found for them in the S.S.D Hall in Duke Street, and a fund for food soon attracted a substantial number of donations, including £50 from the Voice of Kenya and appropriately, £10 from the Freedom From Hunger Fund.